Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Stuff!!!

Loving The Magnolia Pearl!

We have been working on stuff for the Luckett's show...this banner was suppose to be for the show.....I just had to hang it in the shop for a while!

New Chest

Vanity and Chair to match

Swing made by my Hubby!!

Stuff for the Garden

A closer look at the banner....Micki Lea did a Great job on it!
We have been busy......busy........busy.......making, painting, shopping, cleaning, tagging, whew......we are gonna be at the LUCKETT"S SHOW MAY 19th and 20th!! It is a GREAT......GREAT.......GREAT SHOW..........cannot wait!!! I will try to post some of the stuff we are taking soon!! xoxoxoxoxo


  1. dear pam,

    what kind of coffee do you drink? seriously, how in the WORLD do you get so much done??? :-) you are utterly amazing. didn't know you were going to be at lucketts next weekend. now we'll be there for certain, barring an act of God. love that swing...what a great idea.

    blessings, and passa cuppa whatever you're drinking,

  2. Hi Ann, I love Dunkin Donuts coffee......try not to drink to much......hahahah.....You are so sweet....Thank you so much for your thoughtful message! Cannot wait to do is so much fun!!! We have a TON of stuff to take....been burning the midnight oil.....but, BLESSED that I love what I do!!! xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo Pam
