Friday, June 17, 2011

A "GIFT"..........and a BLESSING!!

I dropped shop on wednesday to do a few things to get ready for the rest of the week.  I am normally closed on tues. and wed...........I was standing at the counter at the Antique Mall and a SWEET lady said that she and her friend had driven a few hours to come to my shop......that was closed.  I was happy to let them in for a while,  they were so SWEET!!! We enjoyed talking as they were shopping and I really enjoyed their visit!!  They made some purchases and when we went out to carry their treasures.... I spotted a CHIPPY, WIRE.....HANGING BASKET in the back.......I mentioned that I liked it and these SWEET LADIES........took it out and said it was a GIFT for me............what they don't know is.......THEY were gift enough for me.......they were so kind and I really enjoyed their company!! SOOOOOO..........sorry to be so long, BUT, I wanted to share this story with all of my friends!!!    Oh.......I hung a bow that I made for it on the side, and put it in my fill with FUTURE TREASURES!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Gosh!! I just read the comment you left on my Nashville post!! YOU"VE GOT TO DO IT!!! Can you imagine?? We'll have a blast!!! Please let me know what you decide!! I sure hope you do!! AND>>>> when you come into my neck of the woods in a few weeks, please let me know!
    Take care~~Beth
