Monday, May 23, 2011

"STUFF" SOLD!!!!!!!


  1. Pam, I'm curious. I have been following your blog, you have beautiful pictures to share but let me asked you; Why do you post one picture at a time? This remind me of my days when I started blogging and the Picasa program will only let me add one picture at a time. Or is this how you want it to be? Either way is ok, just trying to share info in case you are tired to do one by one. Blessings, Marta.

  2. Hey Marta, Thanks for the message. I will tell you I am not good with a I have a lot of learning to do...I will check it out! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Pam

  3. PAM!!!
    OH MY GOSH!!! I must have come back to your booth 15 times drooling over that table with fabulous hunky chunky legs!!! I HAD NO IDEA that was YOU!!! { I was hyperventiating for the first hour I was there because of all the wonderful stuff everywhere.} Your booth looked AMAZING and was ALWAYS PACKED WITH CUSTOMERS!!! Woo Hoo! I sure wish we could have seen each other. Next time for sure! Please let me know if you are planning on a trip to The Depot at Gibson Mill anytime soon!
