Friday, September 30, 2011


 Love Her!!! She's from the 1930's!!
 Lots of "NEW STUFF"!
 Just did this pair of shades.......

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halloween at "TTGG"

 Just Hangin around............

Here are some shots of the creams.......blacks.........whites.........browns.........coming soon... some shots with more color!!!  Had such a fun time with the girls putting this together!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

More pictures coming soon.........


Crazy week......spent a ton of hours this past week getting the shop ready for The Fall Season!!  GOD has been working overtime in my life lately!  I feel so BLESSED!!  It was a long week, but it PAID OFF!!! Thank You to Everyone that helped make this OPEN HOUSE ........THE BEST!!! You guys are truly THE BEST a girl could hope for!!! xoxoxoxox

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LIFE.........right now it is good!! I have spend some time the past few days reflecting on the past!!  I am so blessed to have the friends I have who care about me and I love my family sooooo.........very much!!  I have been in the Antique business for about  12 years,,,,,,,,I have learned more in that 12 years about soooo......many different things.  People are just people and sometimes you will learn in time that you just have to know the difference between those who truly care and those that are just there........hey.......that has a little ring!!!  We are about to enter into what is my favorite time of the year and I am so READY!!!  It is going to be a "GREAT" Fall Season at the shop and I hope all of  you have a "FABULOUS" FALL SEASON!!  xoxoxoxox